


Adventurer was a free mobile application (iOS and Android) for adventure sports enthusiasts. The project started from a simple observation: the lack of a platform for direct connection for practitioners of outdoor sports and extreme sports.

Created in

Created in






Social network / dating

Social network / dating

Social network / dating



Designer co-founder

Designer co-founder

Designer co-founder




The Adventurer app aimed to meet the needs of outdoor sports enthusiasts, a community of around 20 million French people. To meet this need, we opted for a solution similar to a "Tinder for sports" to facilitate meetings between enthusiasts. The MVP was quickly developed and launched, and thanks to various distribution channels, we managed to attract approximately 3,000 users.

Analysis and improvements

Analysis and improvements

Analysis and improvements

Thanks to a user-centered approach, we were able to create an Adventurer application that meets the needs of the outdoor sports community. By relying on user feedback and fostering engagement within the community, we have developed an application that continues to evolve to meet the changing needs of its users.




Registered users

Registered users

Registered users




7-day retention

7-day retention

7-day retention




User research and MVP design: We started by conducting thorough research to understand the needs of the users. Building upon this information, we developed an MVP (Minimum Viable Product) that addressed the fundamental needs of users for outdoor sports meetings. This initial version of the application was quickly launched to gather feedback.

Analysis and iterations: After the MVP launch, we used the data collected from users and feedback from the beta-testing community to analyze the app's performance. We identified strengths and weaknesses, and then iterated based on these observations to improve the user experience and meet community needs.

Community and engagement: In addition to improving the application, we focused on creating and engaging a community. We organized events, initiated discussions, and encouraged users to share their experiences and advice. This approach strengthened the sense of community belonging and promoted user engagement.

Continuous development: The process of improving the application is never-ending. We continued to gather user feedback, monitor market trends, and introduce new features to meet the emerging needs of the community. This iterative approach allowed us to keep the application relevant and appealing to our users.

User research and MVP design: We started by conducting thorough research to understand the needs of the users. Building upon this information, we developed an MVP (Minimum Viable Product) that addressed the fundamental needs of users for outdoor sports meetings. This initial version of the application was quickly launched to gather feedback.

Analysis and iterations: After the MVP launch, we used the data collected from users and feedback from the beta-testing community to analyze the app's performance. We identified strengths and weaknesses, and then iterated based on these observations to improve the user experience and meet community needs.

Community and engagement: In addition to improving the application, we focused on creating and engaging a community. We organized events, initiated discussions, and encouraged users to share their experiences and advice. This approach strengthened the sense of community belonging and promoted user engagement.

Continuous development: The process of improving the application is never-ending. We continued to gather user feedback, monitor market trends, and introduce new features to meet the emerging needs of the community. This iterative approach allowed us to keep the application relevant and appealing to our users.

User research and MVP design: We started by conducting thorough research to understand the needs of the users. Building upon this information, we developed an MVP (Minimum Viable Product) that addressed the fundamental needs of users for outdoor sports meetings. This initial version of the application was quickly launched to gather feedback.

Analysis and iterations: After the MVP launch, we used the data collected from users and feedback from the beta-testing community to analyze the app's performance. We identified strengths and weaknesses, and then iterated based on these observations to improve the user experience and meet community needs.

Community and engagement: In addition to improving the application, we focused on creating and engaging a community. We organized events, initiated discussions, and encouraged users to share their experiences and advice. This approach strengthened the sense of community belonging and promoted user engagement.

Continuous development: The process of improving the application is never-ending. We continued to gather user feedback, monitor market trends, and introduce new features to meet the emerging needs of the community. This iterative approach allowed us to keep the application relevant and appealing to our users.




Thanks to a user-centered approach, we were able to create an Adventurer application that met the needs of the outdoor sports enthusiast community. By leveraging user feedback and fostering community engagement, we were able to develop an application that evolved to meet the changing needs of its users.

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Total Energies

Total Energies

Total Energies

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Bruno Ferreira - 2024